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    路北区 - 唐山市路北区翔云道34号唐人起居底商 大润发超市西行100米。
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    2017998 果越老师

春熙文化 王后雄诊学中心
1、 用全国顶级名师线上教学,师资力量雄厚,教师多是曾经的高考状元,中高考命题组工作过,十几年的教学经验,为国家培养出多名高考学霸和单科状元。
2、 线下用资深的优秀教师陪读答疑。
3、 在我校学习的学生学完后,会有当场模拟通关测试,学校能及时掌握孩子的学习情况,既保证教师的教学质量,又保证学生听课质量。
4、 学不会还可复学,直到掌握方可进阶下一阶学习。
一线名师 独特教材
快速提分 环境优越
让我们帮助孩子 进步
让成绩见证您的 选择
还 有 多重优惠
借力春熙文化 鱼跃龙门
因材施教 祝孩子走向成功!


I am going to go to Beijing this summer holiday. Beijing is in the north of China.It’s very famous. I am going to go there by train. In Beijing I am going to climb the Great Wall. I am going to visit the Tian’anmen Square.


I like dogs very much. I have a pet dog. It’s very cute. Its name is Dudu. It’s black and white. It has got two big eyes and a small nose. It likes eating meat. It can run fast. It’s very clever. I often play with it.


Collecting stamps is my hobby. I like stamps very much. I have got lots of stamps. Some stamps are about animals. Some stamps are about famous men and women. I have got Chinese stamps. But I haven’t got English stamps. Collecting stamps is interesting.


My school is very big and beautiful. In our school there are some tall buildings. The walls are white. The windows are bright. In our school there are lots of pupils and teachers. The pupils study hard. The teachers work hard. I love my school.


Playing basketball is my favourite sport. Because it’s very interesting. I have got a basketball. I play basketball every day. My friends like basketball, too. I often play with my friends. I hope to be a basketball star.


I have a good friend. Her name is Amy. She is twelve years old. She has got two big eyes. She is tall. She is friendly. She likes reading books. She can speak English well. She wants to be a teacher. We all like her.


My name is Amy. I am twelve years old. I have got two big eyes. I am tall. I am friendly. I like reading books. I can speak English well. I can play basketball. But I can’t swim. I want to be a teacher.


I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father is a teacher. He teaches math. My mother is a teacher,too. She teaches English. I am a pupil. We all like reading books.


Dear Amy,

How are you? I had a good time last weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I had a picnic in the park. In the evening I did my homework. On Sunday morning I went to the zoo with my parents. In the afternoon I watched TV. I was very happy.

I miss you. Please write soon.

Love from


I get up at six in the morning. I have milk and eggs for breakfast. Then I go to school by bus. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at home. I have two lessons in the afternoon. After school I do my homework. I go to bed at nine in the evening.

校 长:翟 劲 手机号:18631521116
联系人:果越老师 电 话: 2017998
地 址:唐山市路北区翔云道34号唐人起居底商 大润发超市西行100米。
联  系  人:果越老师(商家)
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